Re: CPU consumtion by kglobalaccel / Xorg (was: Fwd: xorg-server-21.1.8_2,1 && key Control_L)

From: Gleb Popov <>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 08:08:16 UTC
On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 10:42 AM Matthias Apitz <> wrote:
> I investigated the problem described below further and modified
> ~/.xinitrc to not start plasma, but twm and one xterm. The issue depends
> clearly on KDE5. On KeyPress event of Control_L the two processes
> Xorg and kglobalaccel jump in top on the list, Xorg with 30++%.
> If one uses multiple time Control_L + TAB to rotate between the virtual
> desktops, this is lazy at the beginning and later the requests get
> somehow stacked nd re-played by its own like a movie.
> This is not with my older laptop installation with ports from end of
> 2020 (which have been bleeding edge at this time).
> Should I file a bug in or is that somehow a known issue?
> Thanks

Probably you have something strange bound to this shortcut. Does the
problem exist for a newly created user (with empty ~/.config and
~/.cache) ?