Re: Old NVIDIA card, new FreeBSD = failure?

From: Robert Huff <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2021 22:11:42 UTC
Greg V <>:

>   Robert Huff <>:
>   >	(For anyone in my position: I _think_ the RX 460 and above
>   >support GCN 2.1, which is what I _think_ is the bottom-end
>   >specification.  Cards matching this number seem to start at about
>   >US $50.)
>   GCN is the name of the GPU architecture, not something a GPU
>   "supports"..

	Got that; the "support" is from the software.
	I have two conflicting desires:
	a) I want to run modern applications ...
			on the latest stable version of X ...
			using an actively maintained and
				improved version of amdgpu/drm ...
			working with reasonably high-performance hardware.
	b) I have a very limited budget, and would ideally like to be
		able to use this on older systems - say ones with a PCIe 2.0
		expansion slot.

	Finding a card that meets these specifications has been
... educational.  That's why I'm hoping someone more knowledgable
has done the work and would be willing to publish it.


				Robert Huff