Re: 3.0-STABLE / drm-kmod / dual radeon problems

From: Greg V via freebsd-x11 <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 14:27:41 UTC
On Fri, Aug 20 2021 at 08:30:04 -0500, Scott Bennett <> 
> A generalized, portable BSD driver that avoided all the LINUX crud 
> would be a very
> welcome addition to each of the BSDs

No, it would be a *ridiculous* NIH effort duplicating *millions* of 
lines of already-existing code for no good reason.

You CANNOT rewrite amdgpu from scratch with one paid developer. You'd 
need a whole army of developers, ages of time, and all for what — 
avoiding "crud"!?

What even is "crud"? Our LinuxKPI code looks rather elegant.

Also, I don't recall AMD actually documenting the relevant hardware. 
There are nice documents for the shader ISA, high-level architecture 
descriptions and so on, but for all the actual command 
submission/buffer management/etc how-to-talk-to-the-hardware internals, 
the Linux driver *is* the documentation.

Please stop proposing unrealistic "solutions", especially in threads 
where people are asking about practical problems.