wireless status report

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <bz_at_FreeBSD.org>
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 2024 16:03:40 UTC

I am back on wireless as of a few days ago:

- Checked on a few PRs.  I hope to do a weekly pass on them and will
   also try to get the long list of (old) wireless PRs down over the next
   months.  If you have any old open wireless PRs please check on the
   status, update them if still relevant, or if obsolete, close them.
   That'll save us some time which can be used for other things.

- Prepared things for iwlwifi vendor imports (had started discussing
   that https://lists.freebsd.org/archives/freebsd-git/2024-March/000223.html
   a while ago).  There are more open questions to be solved but
   hopefully they can be sorted.  The main advantage will be that diffing
   to upstream will be a lot easier to see local changes.

- I started to update drivers (it's been around half a year already)
   and have done iwlwifi and rtw88 (the two which are enabled in-tree).
   Opened a small review for LinuxKPI.
   I hope to do the others over the course of the next weeks and it
   be great if we find one or two to work enough (or get them working
   enough) to enable them too.

   I just pushed the branch to github.  I haven't really dealt with this
   in the past but I'll try to put various development bits there.
   I would warn that the branch may get forced updates or if merged to
   main may go away agin.  I'll keep you updated on this but bare with
   me as I learn how to manage that (and please let me know if there are
   better ways).

   If you want to test a newer iwlwifi or rtw88 you can find them here:

   I booted with an iwlwifi but I ran into so (other) scan troubles.
   It did pass IPv6 MC and UC packets, that I can say.  Have not tried IPv4.

- I looked at my reviews and prepared some MFCs to keep the queue
   small given 14.1-R release cycle will start next month.

- I sent some iwlwifi changes upstream into Linux patchwork in the hope
   to get the local diffs a bit smaller.
   I still need to review the local rtw88 changes but I seem to remember
   we had a few values replaced by defines and a few skb leaks plugged.

Lots of joy,

Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7