iwlwifi (main) please test now - is your firmware crash gone?

From: Bjoern A. Zeeb <bz_at_FreeBSD.org>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 08:30:38 UTC

I just pushed

 	URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/src/commit/?id=16e688b2a403a3dbc05de3b9f8a3132838613790
 	LinuxKPI: 802.11: fix problem removing sta

into main.  Anyone on main, can you please test that the annoying
firmware crash is gone (or rather things at least improved).

I've been running a service netif restart wlan0 / service wpa_supplicant
restart wlan0 in a loop over the morning and not hit the fw crash myself

There is at least one more bug lingering (likely currently mitigated by
other code; I have a local assert which got triggered once in the above
testing loop)) which I'll try to sort out the next 48 hours but any testing
now will be highly appreciated also for the upcoming 14.0-R.

If I can get any positive feedback I'll feel more at ease merging it all
to stable/14 and stable/13.


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                                     r15:7