Re: New laptop: AC 9461/9560: iwm or iwlwifi?

From: Marco <>
Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2022 20:56:02 UTC
On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 10:40:25PM +0000, you (Bjoern A. Zeeb) sent the following to [freebsd-wireless] :
> On Fri, 9 Dec 2022, marco wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for only replying now.  I had read through a few days ago and saw
> your follow-up as well.

No worries, thanks for taking the time to reply.

> > I just can't figure out why reverting back to iwm hasn't restored wi-fi
> > connectivity.
> That indeed is a good question.  Especially if there was a reboot/cold
> start in between.  My best guess is up there.
> > Sorry for the long winded email.
> > I'm sure I performed even more steps but can't put them in the correct
> > order.
> Okay.
> Given your follow-up email.  What's the state been since?  Did you have
> any further attempts at removing the loader lines for iwm again?

I'm still on iwm and on stable/13-n253250-308d3d6be6da so no new bits have been introduced since my previous attempt and haven't attempted another switch to iwlwifi tbh.
Despite running the lagg setup the wlan0 interface is fairly
consistently authorized to my Ubiquiti U6-Lite AP with the occasional
loss of connectivity (happens very rarely).

Still at a loss why powering off and taking the laptop off of the mains
for a few minutes was sufficient at least for FreeBSD to clone the wlan0
interface again (I can only assume BIOS/EFI is at play here in some
unexpected way)

> Did you try again to switch back to iwlwifi?
> What happens if you are on a running iwm setup and then do the devctl
> detach, set driver dance?

> In theory you should be able to leave both:
>  	wlans_iwm0="wlan0"
>  	wlans_iwlwifi0="wlan0"
> lines in rc.conf so switching between one and the other is easier using
> the devmatch_blocklist for iwm or doing it manually using devctl.

I have never run that setup before with both but am willing to give that a try.
I'll configure both together with the devmatch_blocklist entry for
if_iwm, leaving verbose boot defined in loader.conf and I'll comment out
the following from loader.conf again since they shouldn't be necessary
and probably are even not wanted (takes extra time defining them in
loader.conf correct?)
# Network
# WiFi

Currently my network settings in rc.conf using wlan0 as cloned interface
upon iwm is as follows (I left the commented out lines for experimenting
with iwlwifi in. the devmatch_blocklist for if_iwlwifi I never had
until I started the experimentation):

# Network settings
ipv6_privacy="YES"      #NO : Use privacy address on RA-receiving IFs (RFC 4941)
#create_args_wlan0="wlanmode sta regdomain ETSI country NL powersave"
create_args_wlan0="regdomain ETSI country NL authmode WPA powersave"
ifconfig_wlan0="ether f8:75:a4:fa:9d:bf WPA"
ifconfig_lagg0="up laggproto failover laggport em0 laggport wlan0 -tso -lro DHCP"
ifconfig_lagg0_ipv6="inet6 accept_rtadv"
# End Network settings

> I assume you did etcupdate or mergemaster after an update to stable/13
> so that this statement lists both iwlwifi and iwm:
>          set wifi-driver-regex
>                  "(ath|bwi|bwn|ipw|iwlwifi|iwi|iwm|iwn|malo|mwl|otus|ral|rsu|rtw|rtwn|rum|\
>                  run|uath|upgt|ural|urtw|wpi|wtap|zyd)[0-9]+";
> Because then switching with devctl above should in theory auto-create
> the wlan0 with the other driver again (if both wlans_*=".." lines are in
> rc.conf).

I already was on stable/13 (have been for many months) using iwm for
When I perform upgrades I choose to use
/usr/src/tools/build/ after having built world and kernel
which still runs mergemaster IIRC 

> HTH and still happy to hear more about this in the hope we can lift some
> of the confusing weirdness that happened.
> Lots of peace,
> Bjoern

Marco van Lienen -- FreeBSD enthusiast , GnuPG fingerprint: A025 D8AA AC1B D2FC 380D 4FC1 8EA0 0BA8 8580 E6CB
"The Tuck Pendleton defects."