Re: Failed to emulate instruction sequence [ 41f646040874064c017d88eb144c89 ] at 0xbea5fcf9

From: Mark Peek <>
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2024 00:19:04 UTC
On Mon, Dec 2, 2024 at 4:01 PM Mario Marietto <>

> --> Please read the bug I mentioned (comments #1 and #2) where the
> submitter only compiled a new vmm.ko and it didn't work without the
> corresponding bhyve.
> This is the reason why I asked :
> Can you offer a quick technical explanation of the reason why the exchange
> of the modules does not work for me ?
> and you didn't give me any answer. There should be no need to recompile
> vmm at all,because the first thing I did was to copy vmm.ko,bhyve-win and
> bhyve-lin from the UFS system where the problem is not present,to the ZFS
> system,where the problem is present. I have recompiled vmm.ko only for the
> sake of my curiosity.

If I had steps to recreate and reproduce the issue on my system then I
might be able to get to a full root cause on why it would occur
differently. Feel free to provide steps to reproduce it that does not
include sending me your binaries.

I'll go back to your original email that ended with "Any suggestions about
how I can fix it ?". I suggested the existing bug is likely the same issue
and I've said multiple times it requires both vmm.ko *and* bhyve. At this
point there is not much more I can do for you on this issue beyond what I
have stated.
