Re: sysutils/rpi-firmware update
- Reply: Juraj Lutter : "Re: sysutils/rpi-firmware update"
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Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 11:20:55 UTC
On 2022-Oct-31, at 01:17, Juraj Lutter <> wrote: > what should be done to update sysutils/rpi-firmware to the recent version? > I’ve tried to naively update the PORTVERSION but I’ve not been able to boot (I only tried one time) the RPI-4-B. To my knowledge, no one is actively working on support of the RPi* related code base in FreeBSD. Until/unless someone works on correcting the FreeBSD kernel's handling of the more modern .dtb material, the last tagged-version of the RPi* firmware to be tolerated was (as of when I last tested): After that the kernel dies with null pointer based accesses. See: (But the content was "as I explored", including making operator errors later noticed and given correction reporting in the overall sequence for the reporting.) For reference, for tag/1.20210805 : # strings /boot/efi/start4.elf | grep VC_BUILD_ID_ VC_BUILD_ID_USER: dom VC_BUILD_ID_TIME: 18:14:56 VC_BUILD_ID_VARIANT: start VC_BUILD_ID_TIME: Aug 3 2021 VC_BUILD_ID_BRANCH: bcm2711_2 VC_BUILD_ID_HOSTNAME: buildbot VC_BUILD_ID_PLATFORM: raspberrypi_linux VC_BUILD_ID_VERSION: 40787ee5905644f639a2a0f6e00ae12e517a2211 (clean) When I tested, the observed failures were for: firmware-1.20210831-fails firmware-1.20210928-fails firmware-1.20211007-fails firmware-1.20211029-fails firmware-1.20211118-fails firmware-1.20220118-fails firmware-1.20220120-fails firmware-1.20220308-fails-non-kernels-same-as-1.20220120 firmware-1.20220308_buster-fails firmware-1.20220328-fails firmware-1.20220331-fails-non-kernels-same-as-firmware-1.20220328-but-for-bcm2711-dtb-files It is not clear what you are looking to make work observably differently by updating just the RPi* firmware to more recent than FreeBSD officially supports. === Mark Millard marklmi at