devel/aarch64-none-elf-gcc and devel/arm-none-eabi-gcc include-fixed/... handling ?

From: Mark Millard <>
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 21:39:23 UTC
"-" prefixed line below is as in:


in its "post-install:" target code.

"+" prefixed below is what I expect is required to actually
have the ${RM} remove the include-fixed/... :

-       ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}/usr/lib/gcc/${GCC_TARGET}/${PORTVERSION}/include-fixed
+       ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/gcc/${GCC_TARGET}/${PORTVERSION}/include-fixed

So I expect that currently devel/aarch64-none-elf-gcc and
devel/arm-none-eabi-gcc include the include-fixed/...
material and all testing and usage has been on that basis.

Question: Which alternative below is the intent?

A) delete the ${RM} . . ./include-fixed line from the Makefile
   and have the files present and used

B) fix the ${RM} . . ./include-fixed line from the Makefile
   and do not have the files present (so, unused)

C) Did I mess up the interpretation somehow? (Might the path
   be gcc vintage specific for some reason?)

(I've not done a general inspection of devel/*gcc so more
than I've referenced might have similar questions.)

Mark Millard
marklmi at