[Bug 262683] #include <stdatomic.h> fails: error: unknown type name '_Bool'

From: <bugzilla-noreply_at_freebsd.org>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2022 22:29:41 UTC

--- Comment #1 from Konstantin Belousov <kib@FreeBSD.org> ---
For default-constructible base types, corresponding atomic template
in C++ provides constructors that make use of ATOMIC_VAR_INIT() excessive (and
the macro is not defined in C++ AFAIR).

In fact, use of stdatomic.h in C++ is undefined, it is not listed as part of
the supported C library headers.

So the best advice there is to use <atomic> as intended by C++.  Still, I think
this small wart you noted can be covered.  See

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