Re: issues with syslogd include redirecting wg0 output to custom location

From: Bob Bishop <>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2024 14:36:41 UTC

> On 17 Sep 2024, at 12:06, fuxjez <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm experimenting with FreeBSD's 14.1's wireguard implementation.
> So far i've been quite satisfied with using it locally (over an unsecured network). I would like to set up a PoC using wg as a VPN provider (replacing openvpn) next.
> Before opening wireguard endpoints up for global connectivity I would like wireguard logs to be parsed by something like Fail2ban (so I can have pf ward off baddies). I've managed to get wireguards' logs into /var/log/messages by issueing:
> /sbin/ifconfig wg0 debug
> Since they are quite verbose and are polluting /var/log/messages, I'd like for them to land in /var/ramdisk_log/wireguard.log instead. I've instructing newsyslog to create the logfile :
> [root@system:/]# cat /var/ramdisk_log/wireguard.log
> Sep 17 00:27:36 system newsyslog[55203]: logfile first created
> [root@system:/]# ls -laht  /var/ramdisk_log/wireguard.log
> -rw-rw----  1 root wheel   66B Sep 17 00:27 /var/ramdisk_log/wireguard.log
> [root@system:/]#
> and have since attempted to redirect the "wg0" logs to /var/ramdisk_log/wireguard.log by using these syslog includes:
> :msg, contains, ".*wg0: .*"
> *.*                                /var/ramdisk_log/wireguard.log

I think the value for “contains” has to be a simple string

> and
> :msg, regex, "wg[0-9]{1,2}\:\ "
> *.*                                /var/ramdisk_log/wireguard.log

regex uses a basic RE so it would have to be "wg[0-9]\{1,2\}\:\ “

(ie escape the { } ) ; or if you want an extended (modern) RE:

:msg, ereregex, "wg[0-9]{1,2}\:\ "

> Unfortunately, the includes are not redirecting the wg0 logs to my preferred location (the includes are placed in /etc/syslog.d/wireguard.conf which is parsed by syslogd) and I'm out of ideas / logs on how to further troubleshoot why the logstream doesn't get redirected :(
> Im hoping somebody - a little better versed in syslog - could provide me with some insights / pointers...
> Feedback appreciated!
> ruben

Bob Bishop