13.3 jail host: jails do not recognize NFS4 share's files owner anymore

From: geoffroy desvernay <dgeo_at_centrale-med.fr>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 07:33:36 UTC
Hi all,

After upgrading the host from 13.2 to 13.3, a jail (13.2 and 13.3 
tested) using a NFS4 non-kerberized share (from FreeBSD 13.3 NFS server 
on the host) sees all files belonging to "nobody:nogroup" instead of 
existing file user (same name/uidnumber on filer, jail host and jail).

Strange thing: ls -l from jails's host is ok (show real user), but ls -l 
from jails shows nobody:nogroup (with some caching making this partial 
when repeating the same ls -l)

It may be related to new jail's feature to act as an NFS server ?

I'm not running nfsuserd in jail:
   - 13.2 jail respond "Can't start nfsuserd when already running" even 
if not running in jail
   - 13.3 refuses to launch it responding "Cannot start nfsuserd. 
allow.nfsd might not be configured"

Any thoughts ?

*geoffroy desvernay*
D.S.I - Administration systèmes et réseaux
Ecole Centrale de Marseille