Re: [14.1-BETA2] Cannot run any Desktop Environment

From: Rostislav Krasny <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 14:33:38 UTC
If anybody is interested, there seems to be a serious issue in either
the intel video driver or in the kernel that interacts with that
driver. All this could be related to sound through the integrated
Intel HD 4600 video controller. Desktop Environments like Cinnamon and
LXQT use PulseAudion that probably triggers this issue constantly in
the driver and/or in the kernel. Other DEs like XFCE work better only
because they don't need PulseAudio and only when PulseAudio is not
installed. There is a scenario to trigger this issue in the XFCE
without PulseAudio installed, though.

For more information, logs and reproduce scenarios please read my
messages in the following 278930 bug report:

Hope this will be fixed in the FreeBSD 14.1 final release.