Re: delete zfs and snapshots from upgrade process?

From: Matthew Seaman <>
Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 09:52:33 UTC
On 25/08/2024 10:05, ft wrote:

> I have make an upgrade from 13.1 to 14.1.
> uname -a
> FreeBSD ftc 14.1-RELEASE-p3 FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p3 GENERIC amd64
> Everything works fine.
> My question:
> There are some zfs and some snapshots. Can I destroy them or are they
> required?
> Here is the list:
> zfs:
> zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE-p9_2023-08-27_201128
> zroot/ROOT/13.1-RELEASE_2023-08-27_195317
> zroot/ROOT/13.2-RELEASE-p12_2024-08-24_192252
> zroot/ROOT/13.2-RELEASE-p2_2023-08-27_223329
> zroot/ROOT/13.2-RELEASE-p2_2024-08-24_185205
> zroot/ROOT/14.1-RELEASE-p3_2024-08-24_192543
> snapshots:
> zroot/ROOT/default@2023-08-27-19:53:17-0
> zroot/ROOT/default@2023-08-27-20:11:28-0
> zroot/ROOT/default@2023-08-27-22:33:29-0
> zroot/ROOT/default@2024-08-24-18:52:05-0
> zroot/ROOT/default@2024-08-24-19:22:52-0
> zroot/ROOT/default@2024-08-24-19:25:43-0

Once you're happy that everything is fine with 14.1 and you'll never 
want to revert to a previous version, then you can delete the old boot 
environments, and the snapshots they are based on.  I generally run with 
two boot environments -- the currrent one and one previous just in case, 
but I haven't needed to revert to an older B.E. in a very long time.

Use `bectl destroy` to delete boot environments as this will delete 
associated snapshots for you as well.

