So much longer to update than install fresh (+ no install feedback)
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 21:53:47 UTC
I realized that my previous message was a bit not precise. So, armed with the knowledge that "freebsd-update install" generally finish, I reinstalled 13.2 (which felt like 5 to 7 mins, did not clocked). Was zfs default install (without ssh server). Then I updated the 44 patches for 13.2, then rebooted. I then used "/usr/bin/time -h freebsd-update -r 14.0-BETA1 upgrade" to clock it (/usr/bin is necessary, else an internal time command is used, -h=humanly readable). It took a bit less than 20 mins to get the 10750 patches, apply them, and then get the 1309 files. Then the "/usr/bin/time -h freebsd-update install" before the reboot took 35.4 seconds. And then the "usr/bin/time -h freebsd-update install" after the reboot took: 42m49s (1m20s user, 1m27s sys). My hardware is a i3-8100 with a Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 of 250 Gbytes. So about 1h to get the first step from 13.2 to 14.0 (still needs Beta2, Beta3, Beta4, Beta5, rc1, rc2 and rc3 to be done). Again... first point is that seems so much slower than a fresh install, second, really not much feedback during install phase of the upgrade.