Re: ZFS delegation- zfs send| zfs recv fails for not being able to unmount dataset as regular user

From: parv/freebsd <>
Date: Sat, 07 Aug 2021 07:44:51 UTC
On Thu, Aug 5, 2021 at 11:49 PM parv/freebsd wrote:

> How do I get around the the issue of normal user being unable to unmount
> the dataset ...
> # zfs send -R -v send-test/original@to-copy | zfs recv -F -d -v -s send-test-copy
> full send of send-test/original@to-copy estimated size is 51.1K
> total estimated size is 51.1K
> cannot unmount '/send-test-copy/original': permission denied
> warning: cannot send 'send-test/original@to-copy': Broken pipe
> ... so that the transfer would succeed?
After posting this, a thought had occurred to me that I might need to
set some MIB to allow non-root user to perform (un)mount.

Found the reason (vfs.usermount MIB was 0) & the solution (set the MIB to 1)

zfs-allow(8) manual page need to have a pointer to the above MIB.

- parv

> I am testing ZFS delegation on FreeBSD 13, with
> ...

> # zfs allow send-test-copy
> ---- Permissions on send-test-copy -----------------------------------
> Local+Descendent permissions:
>         user parv create,destroy,diff,hold,mount,promote,receive,release,send,snapshot
> # ll /send-test-copy
> total 10
> drwxr-xr-x   3 parv  parv   uarch  3 20210805.1741 ./
> drwxr-xr-x  25 root  wheel  uarch 31 20210805.1715 ../
> drwxr-xr-x   2 parv  parv   uarch  2 20210805.1741 original/