Re: Manual upgrade using base.txz

From: Dave Cottlehuber <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2024 11:56:28 UTC
On Thu, 26 Sep 2024, at 14:37, Frank Leonhardt wrote:
> you any idea how far back this might work? Like dumping 14 on a 
> ten-year-old AMD64 install? I can, of course, copy the drives and 
> experiment if no one else has.

I would expect the password files not to be directly compatible, and
probably a few other things like sshd_config would be out of date too.

Either way I think you should have a crack and report back just how
bad the breakage is :-). 

10 years ago would be 9.x approx, a great deal has changed, hopefully
for the better. The zfs pool layout is different now too, IIRC, so
boot environments might not work OOTB.

I would be concerned about being easily able to revert, for example.

You could test the waters by installing 14.1-RELEASE onto a USB stick
or external drive, and seeing if you can use that boot loader, to
boot the older version or not.

good luck!
