Re: building a 14.1 workstation

From: Bob Proulx <>
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 20:00:45 UTC
Doug Denault wrote:
> Not to bury the headline I can not build a 14.1 workstation and can not
> believe I am the only one, but have seen nothing on this list.
>    1. Installing from pkg
>       This installs 384 packages with the following problems:
>          * there is no chromium
>          * firefox will not run, ending with an error loading a dynamic
>            library

This is a routine problem every time a point release happens.  I see
this routinely and it is routinely reported in the IRC channels.  At
the time of a point release the auto-builders start building the
latest commit of all ports.

There might be failures due to the upgrades.  Recently x265 failed to
build.  This causes a lot of dependent packages to be skipped in the
build cycle.  Everything dependent upon it is then skipped.  Including
firefox and chromium.

The build might take several days to complete.  The result is that the
pkg repositories both current and quarterly might be missing major
cones of dependent packages such as recently both firefox and chromium
were unavailable for several days.

The ports will be updated.  Upon the next auto-build cycle the updated
ports will build.  This again might take several days.  If the fixes
were good then those missing ports will become available.  Again this
happened recently with firefox and chromium.  This was quite the topic
of discussion in the IRC channels at the time.

This is a problem for anyone installing a new system.  Because the new
system has nothing and needs to install all of it from the pkg

This problem is not usually seen on existing systems.  I as a desktop
user rarely notice these build failures because I have a running
firefox/chromium installed and running and available to me.  It's only
seen as a delay in the availability of the next version.  I have a
working web browser and eventually when the repositories become
available I have an update to one.

I have multiple machines.  I can share my /var/cache/pkg/*.pkg local
cache directory among them.  Again it's not a problem seen then
because these other machines can install the previous versions from
the site local cached files.

For the users installing using pkg (like me) this is just a routine
problem usually seen when the entire world is rebuilt every point
release.  It's not usually a problem for mer personally because I
have a populated /var/cache/pkg/*.pkg directory of previous versions
and I am usually upgrading not installing.  But for the community
asking for help in the IRC channels this is a routine occurrence.

For me this is one of the motivators to build from source locally.  So
as to be able to locally set the priority of build in order to build
what I need at ahead of other things.  To be able to apply local ports
fixes in order to be able to keep moving while the project global auto
builders are catching up.  Which to be clear is a huge compute
intensive task for the project.

> To attempt to get around this we are using poudriere to build the packages
> required. The results so far
>    1. 382 packages were build taking considerably more time than 49 hours.
>       We did not know to save this number but think is was more than 60
>       hours. Our build system building about 400 packages is comparable to
>       the 14.1 build, I think, because it is a 3.40GHz with 8 CPUs and 16GB
>       ram. We are running with the poudriere defaults
>    2. First run built all pkgs except highway and rust. We fetched the
>       correct version of highway, 1.2.0 and restarted. This built highway
>       and failed on rust. Fetching rust to the correct version, 2.58.1
>       fixed this. All built okay from that point
> We have not built and tried this repository yet, but I can not believe other
> have not encountered some of the problems we did getting to this point.

You are definitely not the only one to see this problem.
