Re: building a 14.1 workstation

From: Pete Wright <>
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 2024 19:43:56 UTC
On 9/6/24 12:31, Doug Denault wrote:
> Not to bury the headline I can not build a 14.1 workstation and can 
> not believe I am the only one, but have seen nothing on this list.

I have several freebsd 14.1 workstations including the one i'm composing 
this email on.  Hopefully we can break down the specific issues you are 
running into.

>    1. Installing from pkg

what are you installing from pkg, specifically what "pkg install" 
command are you running?  Are you getting any errors?  Did you follow 
the instructions that are printed out after the pkgs are done 
installing.  For example, you may need to enable and start dbus.

> This installs 384 packages with the following problems:
>          * there is no chromium

unfortunately chromium may not be available if you are following the 
latest pkg repo, but it should be available in the quarterly branch.  
searching now i see chromium-128 available in the latest repo tho.

> * firefox will not run, ending with an error loading a dynamic
>            library

this is odd, what is the specific error you are seeing?

i wouldn't give up on using pkg's for everything just yet, they will 
save you tons of time and lots of headaches.  also there are lots of 
people running workstations on freebsd, so this isn't exactly uncharted 


Pete Wright