Re: Confusing security report

From: D'Arcy Cain <>
Date: Sat, 08 Jun 2024 15:13:53 UTC
On 2024-06-08 10:45, lain. wrote:
> On 2024年06月08日 08:41, the silly D'Arcy Cain claimed to have said:
>> On a number of my servers I have the following in the daily security report:
>> Checking login.conf permissions:
>> Bad ownership of /etc/login.conf
>> The thing is that I don't have that file.  I create /etc/login.conf.db from
>> a file in my own repository.  Would I be OK creating an empty
>> /etc/login.conf just to keep it quiet?
> Just curious, but why do you not have a /etc/login.conf file?
>  From my understanding, this is one of the mandatory files on any BSD
> system, even if everything is commented out (or the file is blank).
> So a simple `touch /etc/login.conf` would silence the report.

I thought I explained that but let me expand.  I have a login.conf in my 
subversion repository which is checked out on every server in my farm. 
At boot time it runs this command:

   cap_mkdb -f /etc/login.conf /Vybe/etc/general/login.conf

So that creates the /etc/login.conf.db.  If that db file exists it will 
be used regardless of whether /etc/login.conf exists.

I thought I could simply symlink the repo file into /etc but I am pretty 
sure that would give me the same ownership warning.

Yah, I will probably just create an empty file for login.conf.  Maybe my 
rc.local, where I have that cap_mkdb command, can simply do this:


D'Arcy J.M. Cain <>         |  Democracy is three wolves                |  and a sheep voting on
+1 416 788 2246     (DoD#0082)    (eNTP)   |  what's for dinner.
IM: darcy@Vex.Net, VoIP: