Re: Remote development with neovim, tmux and SSH from macOS?

From: Simon Connah <>
Date: Thu, 29 Feb 2024 12:54:16 UTC
On Wednesday, 28 February 2024 at 22:22, Pete Wright <> wrote:



> On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 04:30:22PM +0000, Simon Connah wrote:

> > I've just set up a FreeBSD server and was curious about the best practices for when it comes to developing on FreeBSD? I have a Mac Studio but I'm not used to neovim or tmux at all and I get the feeling that learning them is going to take some time.
> > 

> > What do you use for developing on FreeBSD servers? Unfortunately I can't install FreeBSD on my machine (well I can but it would be in VMware Fusion Pro).

> you might want to take a look at UTM which is a pretty slick virtualization framwork for recent macOS. it uses the native macOS hypervisor, and like KVM under linux uses Qemu to drive things. I've found it to be pretty performant and have actively researched using it to aid with local application development environments.


> i think there may be some gaps on running graphics under FreeBSD, but it should give you a usable FreeBSD to hack on. You can snapshot the VMs too which may be helpful.

> as far as development best practicies and workflows i think it boils down to what you are trying to work on. but generally speaking i see no reason why you couldn't use your favorite IDE on your mac, commit changes to git, then pull in the changes and build/test on your FreeBSD system. there is even support for CI workflows using Cirrus CI ( if that is of interest for you.

> hope this helps,
> -pete

Thank you. That was interesting as well. I do have UTM I haven't really used it but maube I wll now. My primary usage for UTM was to emulate x86_64 and run Windows apps. But it didn't go well. I'll try it in virtualisation mode.
