Re: Remote development with neovim, tmux and SSH from macOS?

From: John Levine <>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 22:37:44 UTC
It appears that Simon Connah <> said:
>I've just set up a FreeBSD server and was curious about the best practices for when it comes to developing on FreeBSD? I have a Mac
>Studio but I'm not used to neovim or tmux at all and I get the feeling that learning them is going to take some time.
>What do you use for developing on FreeBSD servers? Unfortunately I can't install FreeBSD on my machine (well I can but it would be in
>VMware Fusion Pro).

FreeBSD works great in virtual machines. See Chapter 24.3 of the
FreeBSD handbook for advice on installing it with VMware.

I'm running FBSD under Fusion on my M2 Macbook, using NFS to share
files between native Mac and the FBSD virtual machine, and X1
applications on BSD displaying with Xquartz on the Mac.

John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
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