Re: Remote development with neovim, tmux and SSH from macOS?
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 19:01:01 UTC
On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 10:29:42AM -0700, Modulok wrote: > >> What do you use for developing on FreeBSD servers? Unfortunately I can't > install FreeBSD on my machine (well I can but it would be in VMware Fusion > Pro). I have a headless FreeBSD server. I mostly do development with vim (I have used it for like 25 years, switching, ahem, from emacs -- and it helps) running in tmux (I have used screen before but about 10 years ago I've made a mistake to look into its source code -- and since then I'm using tmux and made a point never look into its sources). For connection I normally use SSH, and sometimes VNC (with Xvnc running on FreeBSD side). I can use both options on my iPad (with Blink and Rvnc); actually, I'm writing now on iPad, with SSH connection to FreeBSD. I have several scripts/aliases to make working with tmux easier (think listing sessions; show menu, allowing to choose to which session to attach; something for tmux new -A -s <session>). To make working with vim easier in terminal over SSH I use such options as colorcolumn, numbers, rnu. I also use t_* settings in vim to make cursor of different color and shape in different modes. I use "set -o vi" in my shell, and I use starship prompt (some people strongly dislike it, by the way). Useful thing, if your SSH connection is unstable, is mosh. > is my daily driver. I write code in the `helix` text editor running inside > `tmux`, itself inside the `alaccrity` terminal emulator (which you wouldn't > have if developing remotely). I had a brief affair with helix, couple of months, and it did not fly for me. I use alacritty as well and it works reasonably well over VNC (keep in mind that though my connections usually -- not always -- over WiFi, they are normally inside the same house). > vim-like experience with far less configuration out of the box. Like Well, helix has modes. Experience is quite far away from vim, though I know what you mean. > `neovim` it has built in LSP support and will use installed LSP servers I never found a compelling reason to switch to neovim. I have started to use LSP in vim a couple years ago with coc.nvim (yep, it works in plain vim) plugin. > I've run VS code in the past, ...and it works reasonably well over VNC. > want to get in deep with X11 forwarding While I prefer VNC, I had remote X servers connected to FreeBSD, it is not that difficult. > You can use these in `vi`, `vim`, `neovim`, `helix`, and there's even a > plugin for `VS code` that supports them. There is a VS Code plugin which connects to real neovim and uses its engine, so it's not just emulation. I can only approve learning vim way of editing, and not because of time saving. It is very convenient, when you get used to it. P.S. vim has a ton of options for programming, see things like makeprg, errorformat, quickfix list, integration with tags. You definitely want to know how to use 'make' and 'ctags' programs. -- Alexey I cannot receive HTML mail at this account. Hi, I am a signature virus. Add me to your signature to help me spread.