Re: freebsd-update "No changes have been downloaded" "files have been modified locally"

From: <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 12:15:09 UTC
On 2024-08-19 22:09, Gary Aitken wrote:
> Why doesn't "freebsd-update" attempt to merge the existing
> shd_config file with the RELEASE one like it does for other files,
> and give me an editor to resolve differences?  Is that because it
> lives in a non-standard place?

It's because freebsd-update only provides the three-way merge 
functionality during release upgrades.  It's not done for regular 
updates.  I haven't the slightest why.

Unfortunately you're left to do the merge by hand in this case.

FWIW, you can have a local config while leaving the distributed file 
unmodified by using a separate sshd_config.local file.  Put your changes 
in that, add:

	Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config

as the last line, and add:

	sshd_flags="-f /etc/ssh/sshd_config.local"

to /etc/rc.conf.