Re: FreeBSD 14 Kernel changes

From: Paul Procacci <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2023 17:47:52 UTC
On Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 1:10 PM Ede Wolf <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to make the jump from 12.4 to 14, and am wondering about
> some changes to GENERIC.
> For some reason, iwm has been renamed to iwn, fine. But in 12.4 I've
> also had a required firmare:
> device          iwm3168fw
> That seems to be lacking in GENERIC 14.
> In addition, 12.4 had an usb audio device:
> device            snd_uaudio
> That I am heavily reliant on. That seems to be missing in 14 as well.
> Neither is mentioned in UPDATING. Any information or further reading on
> this? Since it is a headless box, I'd like it to come up again with
> (wireless) network.
> Finally, two more general questions:
> options         NUMA
> is generally not needed? I am not up to date wether newer cpus make
> somewhat use of that internally.
> Further, if going root on zfs, is ffs for some reasons still requred?
> As for some other, more obsuce partitions, like for boot/efi (even
> though those are msdos, but you never know the crosslinks) or for
> bootloader related stuff?
> Thanks
> Ede
Hey Ede,

Just commenting on the NUMA option as I've no idea about the rest of it.
In my industry, high frequency trading, NUMA is absolutely required for the
best performance as latency is the `top dog` here.
Personally, I think the benefits of leaving it enabled are great, but then
again, my opinion on this may have some bias.

To further this answer, all modern "enterprise grade" cpu's have support
NUMA.  "Home" or "Personal" systems generally don't; at least not the
several that I own.

Hope this helps!


:(){ :|:& };: