Re: How to reinstall *ALL* pkgs

From: Edward Sanford Sutton, III <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 12:20:06 UTC
On 10/17/23 22:10, Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2023 16:11:46 -0700
> "Edward Sanford Sutton, III" <> wrote:
>>     `pkg query -e '%a = 0' %o` is the more complete "I installed this"

To correct myself, `pkg prime-origins` is the same as `pkg query -e '%a 
= 0' %o` on my system with v1.20.8; `pkg alias` reveals that; could have 
sworn there was a difference somewhere. prime-origins seems to return 
manually installed nonleaf packages

> 	I usually use pkg leaf which expands to
> pkg query -e '%#r == 0' '%n-%v'

   `pkg leaf` includes package version #s and pkg doesn't check for 
newer version numbers when given older version numbers on an install 
command. `pkg prime-origins` giving a path keeps away any ports with the 
same folder name in different category folders (though those should have 
a different final package name) but does have a side effect of needing 
an update if anything moves. Manually installed packages that currently 
have dependencies are not listed by `pkg leaf`. How many packages are 
out of date vs moved but correct version at time of update changes how 
many edits are necessary.
   As the original goal was to remove+reinstall all packages to install 
the up to date and functioning copies, either case needs to be 
considered as pkg cannot auto handle either when it is two separate 
steps of remove+reinstall.