Helpful hint on AWS EC2 use in cloud formation templates

From: Walter Parker <>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2023 00:11:27 UTC
For people that use cloud formation templates on AWS to spin up
FreeBSD instances, you can get the AMI from the Systems Manager public
parameters page.

For example, to get 13.1 stable, use the following in your parameter block

    Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<AWS::EC2::Image::Id>
    Description: SSM parameter name for the FreeBSD 13.1 Stable AMI Id
    Default:  /aws/service/freebsd/arm64/base/ufs/13.1/RELEASE

Many of the 12.X and 13.X versions are listed there.
If you run your templates in multiple regions, this will pick the
correct AMI Id for that region.
