Re: change 3-Clause licensing to GPL-3 ?

From: Arthur Chance <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 07:44:21 UTC
On 30/06/2023 07:14, White Wolf wrote:
> hello,
> i have an big project on Ubuntu, i don´t forget FreeBSD but i need to
> learn first and Ubuntu work out of box
> my project :
> <>
> i would like know if it's that isn't problem to pass BSD 3-Clause to
> GPL-v3 or...
> stay on BSD 3-Clause but Apple isn´t longer
> i would like develop on
> <>
> it's a learning project but FreeBSD isn´t enough oriented Desktop...
> no wifi selection, and so more else, it's for internet and server.
> please say me is possible to as of point of licensing.

If you mean "can you use BSD licensed code on a system that otherwise
uses GPL licensing", yes you can. BSD code can be used almost everywhere
(Microsoft used to use BSD licensed networking code in Windows).

If you mean "can I change a BSD license to a GPL one", IANAL but
generally only the copyright holder can change the license under which
they release their code.

As always for anything legal, if you need a truly correct answer you
will need to consult a lawyer, preferably a specialist in intellectual

We build our computer systems the way we build our cities; over time,
without a plan, on top of ruins.
			— Ellen Ullman