Re: Out of order posting (was:: Load 0.20 on a freshly installed idle system)

From: Steve O'Hara-Smith <>
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2023 17:43:34 UTC
On Sun, 22 Jan 2023 17:03:10 +0000 (UTC)
doug <> wrote:

> Etiquette then, if you like that word better. There is, IMO, no best way. 

	Correct, there is only the appropriate way for each context which
is generally to follow the common convention in that context. There are
usually good reasons appropriate to the context for those conventions and it
is common politeness IMHO to make an effort to fit in with the common
conventions in any context. In a similar vein I'd never normally choose to
wear a suit, but when expected to be in one to abide by conventions then
that's what I'm wearing unless I'm intending to be rude.

> Lawyers never delete anything, I guess (as I am not one) it gives a
> history of the entire conversation. Some of these emails I am asked to
> comment on might be several thousand words long. Do you think bottom
> posting is best in this case?

	Perhaps, and perhaps not - how would I know it's not a context in
which I have experience.

> If so it really does not matter, as that is not what they think.

	From this I guess they tend to top post.

	If it is a typical corporate email chain scenario where people tend
to be added to the chain after several exchanges then full quoting is
essential and whether the new material is at the top or bottom is a matter
of convention with the top being more convenient when keeping up and the
bottom more convenient when catching up and since the former is more
frequent than the latter top posting tends to dominate these contexts.

Steve O'Hara-Smith
Odds and Ends at