IPv6 not working on linux compatibilty layer

From: Ralf Weber <freebsd_at_fl1ger.de>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 10:42:41 UTC

After upgrading to 14 I wanted to check the linux compatiblity layer as one appliation I use is only available as a linux binary to me. So I followed all the steps described in the Handbook for Ubunutu 20.04 and can do normal Ubuntu stuff there now (e.g apt updrade), but IPv6 does not seem to work at all, as any usage of it throws an error:

root@bto:/# ping6 2001:4860:4860::8888
ping6: IPV6_RECVERR: Protocol not available

the other strange thing is that in the linux chroot environemnt I can see the IPv6 addresses when using
	ip addr list
however I can not seem them when using

Am I’m missing some configurations? Any help appreciated.

So long
Ralf Weber