Re: sh shell

From: Polytropon <>
Date: Fri, 08 Dec 2023 16:16:26 UTC
On Fri, 8 Dec 2023 05:28:49 -0500, LuMiWa wrote:
> I have FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE-p2. Root shell is sh and user ksh.
> In the root directory is .shrc and .sh_history which settings using if I
> log as root or su -. But if I use just su if as I read should use also
> root settings but it doesn't. It use .cshrc. Is it correct or I have
> somewhere wrong setting, please?

The commands "su -" and "su -l" serve the same purpose: They
call the specified user's (or root's) shell as a login shell,
so that shell will read the appropriate startup files. In
case of the C shell, those are ~/.cshrc and ~/.login.

The opposite of "su -l" (full login) is "su -m", which will
keep the caller's environment and only start the shell, but
not as a login shell. The shell's behaviour can be different
on how it is called: as a login shell, as an interactive
shell, or as a script shell; similarly, the files read on
shell startup can be different, and there is precedence
with possibly existing files in /etc or /usr/local/etc
for global (vs. user-local) shell settings.

However, you wrote "Root shell is sh and user ksh. [...] But
if I use just su [...] It use .cshrc." - no, sh will not
use ~/.cshrc. The startup and configuration files are
listed in "man sh" (and "man csh" lists other files).

So for a full login including getting the desired user's
shell settings, "su -" or "su -l" is desired; "su -" is
the common way to achieve this to become root.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...