Re: ZFS Root size keeps going down after upgrade to 13.2-release

From: <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:33:47 UTC

> On 21 Aug 2023, at 16:25, Kaya Saman <> wrote:
> I just responded to Olivier above but I have managed to free up the necessary space by deleting all the snapshots:
> df -h
> Filesystem                              Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> zroot/ROOT/default                       89G     36G     53G 41%    /
> For some reason some of the snapshots were automatically 'cloned' and exactly as you suggested above there was a fair amount of space sharing between snapshots. This of course resulted in data being removed from the main snapshot but still remained on disk due another snapshot referencing that data....
> Very confusing for an automated process but anyway, I have space again :-)
Not entirely automatic. I think  they are leftovers from updating your server.
The freebsd-update tool automatically  creates a new boot environment  when updating. That way you can  roll back  in case an update fails.
If the update is successful and rollback is not needed any more you can delete these,
