Re: Docker

From: Mario Marietto <>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2023 14:52:14 UTC
----> I believe the simplest thing would be to wrap jails or iocage in an
interface that looks like and behaves Docker-like.

Come on man. It's not only a matter of graphical interface. A lot of users
may want to use docker on another OS because they already have learnt how
to use it,so the commands used in Linux should be the same when it is
ported on another OS like FreeBSD. And since there are a lot of images on
the internet,they also want to reuse them. So the ported docker should be
able to reuse those images

---> Many people these days don't care what's under the hood.  All they
care about is familiarity of interface (GUI)

could be true for the newbies (not very experienced users). Anyway,if you
want to "copy" only the graphical part the project will die because as I
said the ported docker should work as close as possible to the original
one. We can't forget how hard it is to change habits.

 ---> There's a *lot* of work to be done to achieve this mostly in the
Linux emulation layer.

I can imagine. So,maybe this is not the way to go.

---> Is there enough interest to create a critical mass of images ?

maybe. If it's easier and intuitive. If there are a lot of docker images
already created it means that Docker reached the goal to become a tool for
the masses.

On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 4:30 PM Steve O'Hara-Smith <> wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Apr 2023 16:13:05 +0200
> Mario Marietto <> wrote:
> > I'm interested to know what you mean for "real needs",
>         I mean real problems that are solved by having a FreeBSD
> implementation of docker. IOW what would people use it for.
>         For example one goal to be able to use the off-the-shelf images
> available on (or other linux images) with docker and/or
> kubernetes so as to be able to migrate application stacks to a FreeBSD
> base.
> There's a *lot* of work to be done to achieve this mostly in the Linux
> emulation layer. I rather suspect that this is what most people expect of
> docker and I can certainly see how it could be used in real world
> applications and make FreeBSD an alternative to Linux as a host OS.
>         Another goal is to be able to create layered FreeBSD based
> container images from Dockerfiles and share (publicly or with a limited
> group) them in the same way as Linux container layers are then that should
> be rather less work - and ocijail seems to be a starting point. Is this
> something people want to do ? Does Docker provide any benefits over
> Nomad/iocage/cbsd for this use ? Is there enough interest to create a
> critical mass of images ?
> --
> Steve O'Hara-Smith
> Odds and Ends at
