Re: Docker

From: Steve O'Hara-Smith <>
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2023 11:02:24 UTC
On Sun, 9 Apr 2023 16:04:54 +0200
Mario Marietto <> wrote:

> It seems that docker now can run on FreeBSD natively,not with the
> collaboration of bhyve. What do you think ?

	The trouble with saying "docker" is that it is multiple things None
of which exist in FreeBSD in quite the same way.

	There's the layered filesystem, text file based container
composition system used to create container images from a mixture of
provided and generated filesystem overlay layers which makes it easy to
create and use canned applications/servers/...

	There's the swarm management system that can orchestrate launching
a complex distributed application defined entirely in a text file. Usually
deprecated in favour of kubernetes these days.

	There's the massive library of images available at
allowing complex scalable applications to be created like piling up Lego
bricks. Provided of course you trust them, but many do without coming to

	The question is which (if any) of these does anyone want for
FreeBSD sufficiently strongly to put the work in to make it happen, and is
there sufficient interest to sustain such a project.

	Before answering those questions it would be a good idea to look
closely at the BSD flavoured alternatives such as Nomad and its pot jails,
or the possibilities inherent in iocage templates. For many these provide
practical solutions that, while not being anywhere near as slick as docker
and kubernetes, do get the job done.

Steve O'Hara-Smith <>