Re: Testing ports of rust software w/o building rustc

From: Paul Mather <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 21:48:31 UTC
On Nov 11, 2022, at 3:23 PM, Nicolas Herry <> wrote:

> Paul Mather <> writes:
>> I got tired, too, of Rust taking many many hours to build, so I
>> decided to install the ports-mgmt/sccache-overlay port to speed things
>> up (it extends ccache functionality to Rust software).  It helps, plus
>> you also get a ccache speed boost to those other heavyweight ports
>> like llvm* and gcc* if you're not already using ccache...
> Then I'm curious now: why not opt for poudriere-devel (and binary
> downloads)? Do you need to pass specific options to the compilation of
> Rust?

I don't know whether there are any specific options I use with Rust, although I do tend to have blanket settings for build dependencies (like disabling DOCS and TEST options).  It's more likely that I didn't know about poudriere-devel's binary download abilities or didn't realise it would help when setting up ports-mgmt/sccache-overlay. :-)

Also, in my case, I build ALL my ports locally and don't use any FreeBSD binary repositories, and so I figured that anything that Poudriere could download it could also pull in directly as a build dependency.  Maybe I need to look more carefully at the Poudriere settings to do with rebuilding build dependencies unnecessarily. :-\

Also, TBH, the documentation on binary package downloading support in Poudriere isn't exactly extensive.  Prompted by your message I went looking for it and all I could find is some comments at the end of the poudriere.conf.sample file.  (Also, also, I'm running -STABLE, and I don't believe there is a FreeBSD package repo for that, so I don't know how useful the capability would be to me.  I could be wrong, though.)

