Re: Zfs Guide

From: David Christensen <>
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2022 21:10:52 UTC
On 11/5/22 12:15, Joe B wrote:
> Hello again,
> Sorry for all the questions but i want to start somehwere, the forums
> take a while for me to get approved but it seems very friendly here.
> So when i installed freeBSD about 5 days ago i noticed that it auto did
> ZFS pool and everything didn't know why but i went with it. Trying to
> understand it i looked online for some guides and the zfs fs seems very
> intresting, snapshots, compression everything. It seems that it was
> really made for two drives not one. i kinda understand if my internal
> hdd goes out then i would have a backup.
> Currently setup a VM with freebsd and want to test zfs. should i make
> two disk hard drives in the VM to test or should i be able to just play
> with one ?

I suggest creating one virtual disk for the VM system drive and 
installing FreeBSD there.  Once FreeBSD is up and running, create 
additional virtual disks for ZFS experiments -- creating pools, creating 
filesystems and volumes, taking snapshots of datasets, rolling back 
datasets from snapshots, creating clones, replication, simulated 
disasters and recovery, etc..

> Also the only guides that are offical are the handbook, New and old and
> other guides i found.
> 1.
> 2,
> 3.
> 4.
> 5.
> 6.
> Don't know if we are suppose to post links that aren't part of freeBSD
> here but i'm learning everyday if we can't just tell me so i know in the
> future.
> What do you guys recommend?

"The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" is the 
definitive academic text:

"Absolute FreeBSD" is my favorite hands-on text:

Note the FAQ item "Buying Books":

"Absolute” titles, Network Flow Analysis, and other No Starch Press 
titles – use the coupon code ILUVMICHAEL and buy direct from No Starch 
Press. You get 30% off and I get commission. You pay shipping, though, 
which eats up the cost savings if you’re in New Zealand."

Lucas wrote other titles, including:

The Klara and ixSystems web sites have information about FreeBSD and ZFS:
