Re: Using a FreeBSD desktop was somehting about dog food

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 20:08:28 UTC
On Wed, 30 Mar 2022 11:54:45 -0700, Dave Hayes wrote:
>Feel free to point out where I have missed anything.

Did you provide examples of missing features that are really needed?

I'm an advanced Linux user, using a user-centric, not a user-friendly
distro. I'm an unskilled FreeBSD user, but nomadBSD is my user-friendly
BSD-Ubuntu ;). IOW it comes with an OOTB working window manager and
everything a desktop environment should provide.

What features are missing?

To my knowledge some software is not available by FLOSS and some
FLOSS infrastructure is week. For some things to happen strict
leadership is required, for some other things to happen a lot of money,
domain related knowledge is required.

For developing an audio plugin architecture money isn't necessarily
required and only moderate domain related skills are required, but
strict leadership and restrictions are a pro.
If only a single GUI is available, the audio plugin architecture can't
run into issues caused by different GUIs. If a leader doesn't allow to
fork or start with something completely different, the focus of all
developers stays on one audio plugin architecture.

Sometimes money makes a difference, compare Google-Earth with Marble.
It's self-explaining why money makes a difference here.