difficulties replacing a ZFS installer zroot pool with a new zroot pool on a new disk

From: Russell L. Carter <rcarter_at_pinyon.org>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2022 23:16:35 UTC
After many hours, I am stuck trying to replace my spinning rust
drive with a new SSD.

Basically I have renamed the old drive pool 'zroot.old' and imported
it so that it mounts to /mnt/zroot2:

root@bruno> zfs list | grep zroot.old
zroot.old                                       89.6G   523G       96K 
zroot.old/ROOT                                  37.6G   523G       96K  none
zroot.old/ROOT/default                          37.6G   523G     37.6G 
zroot.old/export                                 264K   523G       88K 
zroot.old/export/packages                        176K   523G       88K 
zroot.old/export/packages/stable-amd64-default    88K   523G       88K 
zroot.old/tmp                                    144K   523G      144K 
zroot.old/usr                                   37.8G   523G       96K 
zroot.old/usr/home                               582M   523G      582M 
zroot.old/usr/obj                               6.14G   523G     6.14G 
zroot.old/usr/ports                             27.8G   523G     27.8G 
zroot.old/usr/src                               3.27G   523G     3.27G 
zroot.old/var                                   1.89M   523G       96K 
zroot.old/var/audit                               96K   523G       96K 
zroot.old/var/crash                               96K   523G       96K 
zroot.old/var/log                               1.32M   523G     1.32M 
zroot.old/var/mail                               120K   523G      120K 
zroot.old/var/tmp                                176K   523G      176K 
zroot.old/vm                                    14.1G   523G      615M 
zroot.old/vm/debianv9base                       3.79G   523G      120K 
zroot.old/vm/debianv9base/disk0                 3.79G   523G     3.57G  -
zroot.old/vm/debianv9n2                         9.70G   523G      160K 
zroot.old/vm/debianv9n2/disk0                   9.70G   523G     11.3G  -
root@bruno> zfs mount -a

The problem is that /mnt/zroot2/usr/home, /mnt/zroot2/usr, 
/mnt/zroot2/usr/src are all empty:

root@bruno> ls /mnt/zroot.old/usr

Even though I can look at the individual datasets and theey're
still using the same amount data as original.  This is a bit
unhelpful for migrating over the old configuration.

The oddball mounting is just the result of several 10s of attempts to
import and mount so that a) the original zroot pool doesn't clobber the
new one, and b) attempts to make the datasets visible.

So can someone enlighten me on the proper way to do this, and possibly
give a hint how I can get those original datasets visible?   This is
definitely a new wrinkle for a geezer who has been doing such things
without (nontrivial) problems for 30 years now.

Yeah yeah, this is also my backup drive and I should have replicated
infra over to another system...  I'm a gonna do that next.

Thanks very much,