Re: using pkgs vs using a cms

From: Dale Scott <>
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2022 23:33:47 UTC
> What's the advantage in updating a port over using its
> own ecosystem?
> examples: www/nextcloud and www/drupal9

I can't speak to Drupal, but I installed Nextcloud and WordPress using the distribution packages from their projects and let them update themselves. For me I was more concerned about the pkg database (and possibiliy dependencies as well) being out of date after the first self-update.

Of the eight or so PHP web apps I'm hosting, 2 update themselves, 4 don't have pkgs at all, and the others were giving me PHP and MariaDb/MySQL dependency conflicts, so it was simpler to not use pkgs at all and install them from project release tar balls or zip archives. The only downside for me is having to keep track of PHP module dependencies myself (which isn't necessaraly a bad thing).
