Re: weird issue after -p8 update

From: Julien Cigar <>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2022 14:16:44 UTC
On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 09:15:40PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> On 3/18/22 05:55, Julien Cigar wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've updated an old HPE Microserver Gen8 from FreeBSD 13.0-p7 to 13.0-p8
> > and since I'm unable to boot. I thought it was the bootcode but even
> > after updating I'm getting this:
> > 
> > (this is classical non-uefi bios)
> > 
> > any idea? I'm lost.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Julien
> The BIOS sees 4 drives.
> It looks like the FreeBSD bootloader (?) is having trouble reading the
> drive(s) that contain the pool "zroot_jupiler" (is that supposed to be
> "zroot_jupiter"?), which contains the / (root) and /boot filesystems (?).

yes it is supposed to be zroot_jupiler.

> I would boot a 13.0-R installer USB stick into a live system, start a root
> shell, and try to determine if the disks, partitions, ZFS pools, etc., are
> okay.  If you run a 'zpool import ...',  consider using the "altroot=..."
> and "readonly=on" properties.

I tried, zpool import -NR /foo zroot_jupiler works, no error, scrub
works well too.

I finally reinstalled the machine and I think there is a serious issue
with that latest -p8 ZFS updates as the machine is unbootable again
(this is what I'm getting:

any idea?


> David

Julien Cigar
Belgian Biodiversity Platform (
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