Re: Firefox on stable/13

From: Ronald F. Guilmette <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 07:55:44 UTC
In message <>, 
"parv/freebsd" <> wrote:

>> On a slightly different topic, I have a question.  Maybe you can answer it
>> for me.
>You should have sent your question directly to -questions@ list instead
>of privately asking me.


>> I'm building ffmpeg from ports, but it is already installed (as a requsite
>> for other things) from packages.  What do I have to do in order to replace
>> the package with the (built) port?  Just "make install" in the port?  Or
>> do I have to (force?) remove the pkg version first?
>After successful "build" (as in "make build") of the port, remove it ("make
>deinstall") & then install it ("make install") ...
>  # make build && make deinstall && make install
>... or, wait for "make install" to fail as the port had already been
>installed. Then you could remove it either via pkg-delete(8) or via
>"deinstall" make(1) target; run the "install" target again.

Thank you.  As it turns out my question about replacing an installed package
with a (built) port was not really curcial to what I am attempting to do.
But it is Good to have this information for future reference anyway.

My real problem, at present, is different.

I tried to build the ffmpeg port with the (better but non-free) Fraunhofer
FDK AAC codec, and in the configuration screen at build time the checkbox
to enable the Fraunhofer FDK AAC codec (aka "fdk-aac") for ffmpeg *was*
checked, but after the build, when I run the resulting ffmpeg binary it
is complaining when I try to use the following command line (in a simple

    ffmpeg -i $ifile -c:v copy -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k $ofile.mkv

I am getting an error that says that ffmpeg doesn't know about anything
about any codec called libfdk_aac.

This is really pissing me off.  I have built ffmpeg with the Fraunhofer
FDK AAC codec in the past (and I have used the same small script in the
past) and I never had any problems.  Now however it is just as if I had
never even selected that (fdk-aac) option in the ffmpeg port build
configuration menu!

Any advice appreciated.
