Re: entering geli passphrase only once at FreeBSD boot

From: Michael Sierchio <>
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2022 18:18:23 UTC
On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 10:15 AM Ralf Mardorf <>

> From conviction I don't own a smartphone and my iPad's aren't equipped
> with the "Cellular" thingy. However, Apple 2 factor authentication
> works by WiFi, too and some companies call me by landline to sent a
> speech SMS. To make an appointment to get an influenza virus
> vaccination I needed the help of a friend with a smartphone, since the
> doctor required a confirmation code send to me (the friend) by text
> SMS. Sometimes I'm screwed without a smartphone, but smartphone
> addicted people (and almost all owners are addicted) are probably
> screwed all the times, because the human brain needs time focus and
> time pause without smartphone disturbances.
Apple MFA is more than 2FA – it shows the presumed geolocation of the
request, and asks if it's you.  There are other things behind the scenes.
Obviously SMS is the worst, especially in the US or some other place where
it is fairly trivial to SIM swap a target.