End-of-life notice adjustments

From: Graham Perrin <grahamperrin_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2022 07:19:33 UTC
Re: FreeBSD 13.0 Coming to An End... Already?

On 30/01/2022 15:55, Kyle Evans wrote:

> … The freebsd-update metadata includes the EoL, so it's
> initially populated with the projected EoL and gets adjusted when the
> next release's schedule is released. I'm trying to see if we can
> instead initially populate it with the branch EoL and adjust it to be
> closer once the new schedule is released -- in theory, nobody uses
> this for other reasons and they just won't notice as long as we get it
> set right closer to EoL.
> Thanks,
> Kyle Evans

Kyle and colleagues: if not already on your radar, maybe also some 
adjustment for releng/12.2.

Please see, for example, the notice that's quoted here:


As always, thank you.