Trying Bastille

From: Doug Denault <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2022 17:04:08 UTC
I installed bastille which rendered my system un-bootable.

What I did: (1) installed via pkg; (2) turned iocage off and stopped it; 
added the "enable line" to rc.conf; (3) updated bastille.conf setting the 
zfs setting. What I did NOT do: activate pf.

I then did a bootstrap to download 12.3 made and deleted a contained until 
I got the create syntax right; consoled into the jail.

At this point I did a zfs list to see where everything was. This from 
memory as the system no longer has a boot record. The was no listing for 
/zroot/bastille. The was a /zroot/ZROOT that I do not think (but not sure) 
was there prior to my testing bastille. No listing for the bastille stuff 
that was clearly on the disk somewhere, just not in any dataset zfs could 

At this point I rebooted thinking that would clean up whatever I had 
done incorrectly. The system was set to only do UEFI booting. I get the 
following with EFI boot

>> FreeBSD boot block
    Load Path: \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI
    Load Device: PciRoot(0x0)Pci ....  what gpart shows
    BootCurrent: 0009
    Trying ZFS pool
ending in a blank screen with the cursor in the upper left. So I turned UEFI 
only mode off and booted from an install but I do not know gpart/zfs well 
enough to do any thing useful.

Kind of a bad bug IMO that an "error" in the install process give this as a 
result. I can restore the system so see If I can duplicate this. My current 
state does not seem repairable as both the boot process and zfs seem to be 
mucked up.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
   Fax: 301-217-9277