Re: what am I missing RE: freebsd-update?

From: Steve O'Hara-Smith <>
Date: Fri, 02 Dec 2022 06:20:52 UTC
On Thu, 1 Dec 2022 16:44:37 -0800
paul beard <> wrote:

> Thank you for all the info…it seems nothing is wrong, but what prompted
> this was a message about this release nearing EOL or end of support.  Not
> sure where I saw it now, perhaps at login but I don't see it now.

	The file with the EOL dates in got updated as part of the update.
The dates are a guess that gets refined as the release process of the next
release progresses. It doesn't work too well it always alarms people early.

> So freebsd-version -kru
> 12.3-RELEASE-p6
> 12.3-RELEASE-p6
> 12.3-RELEASE-p10
> means that my installed and running kernel are the same and my userland is
> a few patches ahead but they should sync up at some point?

	Not quite - what it really means is that p7, p8, p9 and p10 did not
contain any kernel updates and so the kernel version didn't get bumped in
them. So if there are no more kernel updates before EOL they'll never "sync

	This has historical reasons - once upon a time the kernel version
was the version and all updates were source builds but with binary patch
updates it seems crazy to update the kernel just to change a number so we
get the concept of userland version and the original version becomes the
kernel version.

	There's a practical advantage to it, scripted updates can check for
a changed kernel version and decide whether to reboot or just restart

Steve O'Hara-Smith <>