Re: nvidia-driver and no update in /usr/ports/UPDATING

From: Steve O'Hara-Smith <>
Date: Fri, 08 Apr 2022 03:39:58 UTC
On Fri, 8 Apr 2022 04:21:55 +0100
tech-lists <> wrote:

> Where, exactly, did I rant, in that report? Honestly, I can't
> see where. 

	It's a rant because it's not actionable.

	You failed to explain the impact on the user - you clearly know
what the impact was but I couldn't tell from your bug report what the entry
needed to tell the user just that you thought one was needed to tell people
something about a name change.

	A suggested entry would go a *long* way to getting it addressed -
you clearly know what the entry should say having solved the problems
yourself but you didn't bother to share your experience in detail.

>  From my reading of it, it's completely reasonable. I illustrated the 
> before and after, explained the problem, and revisited it when the 
> same problem happened again. Both times unanswered.

	Because you didn't provide a solution when you could and should
have done so and you didn't make it easy for the triager to assess the
importance of the bug.

> I think I may have errored in that on submission I didn't do
> the maintainer ? thing. At the time I thought submitting
> the report was sufficient.

	No it isn't - you the bug reporter are part of the solution the
onus is on the reporter to write an actionable bug report - one of the
benefits of commercial software development is that when a bug report isn't
up to standard we developers get to punt it back to a professional to do the
leg work. Volunteer projects don't have that expensive luxury and rely on
users to provide actionable bug reports - and the most actionable ones are
the ones with patches and naming the person best suited to review the patch
and commit it.

	That's what makes it a community project.

Steve O'Hara-Smith <>