Re: Is the old format documention still available?

From: Sergio Carlavilla <>
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2021 16:50:10 UTC
On Mon, 27 Dec 2021 at 17:34, Mel Pilgrim <> wrote:
> How do I access the old format of the documentation?  The new format has
> major regressions that make it inaccessible.  The old format wasn't
> perfect, but it worked for screen-reading, mouseless nav, and mobile
> browsers.  The new format isn't compatible with any of that due to how
> the sidebars take priority over the section content.

Hi Mel,

No, the old format it's not accessible, at least not with the last version.

Why don't you like it? We need to fix some things from the navigation.
But if you give me your feedback it would be good to improve the website.
