a couple of iocage questions

From: Doug Denault <doug_at_safeport.com>
Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2021 06:56:59 UTC
I have a few iocage questions. I'm here because there does not appear to be a 
mailing list for iocage. My first problem: there are commands not documented in 
the latest versions of the docs that I can find, e.g.

   iocage destroy -r release-name

works but is not documented anywhere (I have found) other than people talking 
about issues with the command. So question #1: How to find a full list of 
command options? And maybe commands?? Other than RTFS

Next after a jail is allocated is there only way to tell a thick jail from a 
thin one by knowing (and understanding) the various `zfs list` and zpool 
commands? `zpool history` looks the same and config.json is not helpful. The 
following is for a thick jail:

        "allow_raw_sockets": 1,
        "cloned_release": "12.2-RELEASE",
        "host_hostname": "jailname",
        "host_hostuuid": "jailname",
        "ip4_addr": "bge1|",
        "jail_zfs_dataset": "iocage/jails/jailname/data",
        "last_started": "2021-12-09 04:56:30",
        "release": "12.2-RELEASE-p11",
        "source_template": "mytemplate"

A different thick jail does not have the cloned_release line. This one was 
created without a template so maybe that's the reason the line is not present. 
The difference is important for several reasons. The case that prompted this 
post was seeing if updating a release would take it to the latest patch level. 
About 90+% sure the answer there is yes. So I wanted to put things back and in 
the process of various destroy this and that I took out my template and a jail 
I thought was a thick one. Here the only thing thick was me.

My last question is why remove releases from fetch that iocage supports? When I 
first started learning iocage, releases back to 9 were listed in fetch. Now its 
11.2. One of the things I loved about unix when I was un-IBMing myself in the 
last millennium was voiced by Doug Gwyn:

    "Unix was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because
    that would also stop you from doing clever things"

There are reasons one (me) might want to run an older FreeBSD aside from 
winning a bet. Mr Lucas holds that running a version 4 jail. It's not the job 
of the iocage or FreeBSD projects to protect me. That's on me.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
   Fax: 301-217-9277