Re: poudriere options

From: Dan Langille <>
Date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 16:56:10 UTC

On Mon, Dec 6, 2021, at 10:38 AM, M. Mader wrote:
> Am 6. Dezember 2021 16:05:17 MEZ schrieb Albert Shih <>:
>>Le 06/12/2021 à 09:50:36-0500, Dan Langille a écrit
>>> >
>>> > I run poudriere with some jail, with differents options.
>>> >
>>> > I would like to know the best way to save that options, currently I use
>>> > pourdriere options to set those options but that's are not very convenient
>>> > to backup in puppet/ansible-kind tools.
>>> >
>>> > Is they are any way to set poudriere jail options in other way ?
>>> Can you give us an example of the options you want to save please?
>>Two examples,
>>  1/ I run icinga2 for monitoring my services and use
>>      net-mgmt/monitoring-plugins
>>  for that. I need to «custom» that ports options because by default I'm
>>  missing LDAP, MYSQL, PGSQL
>>  Well this one are easy because I just need to add those tree options.
>>  2/ I run also www/rt5, with that I need the option
>>    www/rt5 -> I need few options but most important I use AP_MODPERL
>>    instead of the default.
>>    thats mean I also need (at least)
>>    for www/p5-HTML-Mason
>>So it's not a big deal to do that for one jail, but with time I'm going to
>>forget I need those options.
>>Currently what I do is when I create a new jail (for a new version of
>>FreeBSD), I redo the pourdiere options, and check if it's ok with
>>  diff -r old-jail-options-dir new-jail-options-dir
>>something not only boring but prone to error.
>>Albert SHIH
>>Observatoire de Paris
>>Heure local/Local time:
>>lun. 06 déc. 2021 15:56:40 CET
> You can set these options on a per package. And in the case of 
> poudriere even per jail.
> Meaning that you only have to copy the separate files containing those 
> options around. 
> I've never actually set up puppet, but I imagine that would be possible 
> with puppet.
> Sadly I'm not on my computer, so I can't tell you reliably where to put 
> those files.
> But either:
> man poudriere
> Or
> man poudriere-options
> should answer that.
> It's the equivalent of setting options for pkg somewhere in /var/db/pkg/
> I'm terribly sorry for the vague answer. But I found out how to do it 
> just by reading poudriere's manpages, so everyone else should be able 
> to do so, since I'm usually not the sharpest tool in the shed ;)

You can put them all in /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf

I suspect...

  Dan Langille