Re: 13.0 packages?

From: Mark Millard via freebsd-ppc <>
Date: Thu, 27 May 2021 02:40:58 UTC

On 2021-May-20, at 17:26, Jason Bacon <bacon4000 at> wrote:

> What's the plan for 13.0 powerpc64 packages?
> I have a Mac G5 I was using for port testing, but since upgrading to 13.0-RELEASE, there haven't been any binary packages for it.  Building everything from source takes too long. has a link to:

• FreeBSD:13:powerpc64 ( )

There the dates on things indicate that quarterly is newer
than latest. meta.txz is reported as having date/time:

2021-May-20 07:07

(as seen in the time zone I'm in). shows that jail 130powerpc64 started
building on Tue, 18 May 2021 21:01:05 GMT and reached stopped:done:
status, taking an elapsed time of 34:06:48 . It also reports that
the server was: pylon .

But the linked page:

reports only 1976 ports built of the only 4340 that were queued
for that specific build.

There was another jail that built far more: 130releng-powerpc64 is
indicated to have built 23522 of the 30700 queued. It is listed
as started on Sun, 04 Apr 2021 13:48:51 GMT, having reached a
status of stopped:crashed:, with an elapsed time of 73:28:43 .
Also pylon.

It appears that is not currently
accessible. This limits what can be investigated.

I would guess that:

would give a clue what should be accessible via quarterly.
It is listed as being 6058988 Bytes in size.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)